For a second consecutive year Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows has taken part in the activities for the Blue Flag International Program for the Mediterranean countries, #BlueFlagMedWeek.
Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows with the assistance of its MiniClub members and members of a local kindergarten & #animationteam2018 and Lifeguards took part in the initiative with various activities such as talks about environmental protection, a beach cleaning operation, tree planting, as it gave them the opportunity to take part in an educational activity during their summer break.
Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows with its proven commitment to protecting the environment as well as caring for the sea that unites us!
We are extremely proud of our young friends who showed amazing enthusiasm during this very special week. We look forward to next years activities.
What is #BlueFlagMedWeek
Within the realm of the Clean Seas initiative, this action is organized by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), and takes place from July 3rd to July 10th and with all Mediterranean countries paricitpating: Greece, Algieria, France, Spain, Israel, Croatia, Cyprus, Malta, Montenegro, Porutgal, Slovenia & Turkey.
This beach cleaning operation taking place across no less than 10 Mediterreanean countries as part of the UN Environment #CleanSeas global campaign to reduce marine litter:
Given that all the above 10 countries share the same seas, the Mediterranean, the motto of the operation is very topical:
“Caring for the sea that unites us”!